
20 pomysłów na burzenie naukowych i technologicznych murów, tylko 3 minuty na każde wystąpienie, a to wszystko w 1 dzień. 15 września w gmachu głównym Politechniki Warszawskiej odbędzie się finał Falling Walls Lab Warsaw. Kto zwycięży i pojedzie do Berlina?

Poniżej przedstawiamy listę 20. finalistów Falling Walls Lab Warsaw 2022. To właśnie oni zawalczą o wyjazd do Berlina i szansę na zyskanie tytułu „Breakthrough Winner of the Year”:

Dr Bartłomiej Bończak | Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy od Sciences | Breaking the Wall of Low Efficiency of Solar Cells
Dr Jacek Dobrzyniecki | University of Warsaw | Breaking the Wall of Quantum Computation
Dr Damian Głowienka | Gdańsk University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Novel Solar Cells
Dr Vijay Gupta | Warsaw University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Water Crisis
Piotr Jabłoński | AGH University of Science and Technology | Breaking the Wall of Nano-overloading
Dr Aleksandra Jastrzębska | Łodź University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Infections Around Implants
Dr Łukasz Kaczmarek | Warsaw University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Groundwater Resources
Dr Artur Kasprzak | Warsaw University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Cesium Detection
Julia Kowalczuk | Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Health Records
Dr Anna Łapińska | Warsaw University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Multifunctional, Light and Green Materials
Natalia Pietrzkowska | Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences | Breaking the Wall of Chronic Kidney Disease
Sada Raza | Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences | Breaking the Wall of Bacteriophage-contamination in Bacteria-based Industries
Priyanka Roy Chowdhury | Warsaw University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Hunger by Building Global Food Bank
Rafał Skopek | Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences | Breaking the Wall of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Differentiation Treatment
Kiranmai Uppuluri | Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics | Breaking the Wall of Gaps in Water Data
Marcin Wierzbiński | Sano – Centre for Computational Personalised Medicine | Breaking the Wall of Machine Learning in the Fight against Cancer
Mikołaj Więckowski | Warsaw University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Wasting Precious Heat
Dr Magdalena Wnuk | Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences | Breaking the Wall of Bias against Humanities
Dr Nikesh Yadav | Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences | Breaking the Wall of Electric Vehicle Charging Problem
Dr Agnieszka Żuchowska | Warsaw University of Technology | Breaking the Wall of Preclinical Studies
Last modified: 2022-09-13